More About Fonts

Lake Havasue2
Lake Havasu, AZ, 2000

The above text is done in a font not found on the average computer, (Trumania ENN free font). You can alwasy see the title the way it was meant to be seen because it has been made into a graphic. This works especially well for headings and logos but isn't very practical for general text.

yellow bit

This sentence is also printed in same font as the Arizona Sunset graphic, but probably looks like Arial to you.

Because I made Trumania ENN the first font in a font family (a set of two or more fonts) I can be sure that even if you can't see my page the way I envisioned it, with my first choice font, you can see it with a font that I believe will work well.

If you feel strongly about your viewer seeing your text in exactly the right font, you can add a download link as I have done here. Once you have downloaded the Trumania ENN free font, open the font file, minimise it to your desktop and refresh this page. You should then see the single sentence of text where I used that special font.